Case studies
Convince yourself from the experience of others

So far, only us talked to you about us.
But you can best convince yourself of our skills from the experiences of those who have chosen to work with us.
Rogalski Damaschin Public Relations
Public Relations Agency
In the context of moving to a new headquarters and dissatisfaction with existing IT infrastructure, in early 2016 Rogalski Damaschin initiated a project to completely change the way they work.
Along with us, the agency carried out an audit of the whole IT environment to understand the real situation, how technology can be improved, and what are the necessary investments.
One of the main consequences of the audit was the adoption of cloud services as means of avoiding large initial investments, but also to ensure the company’s good functionality during peak times.
Subscription service payment has eliminated an investment of over Euro 4,500 in acquiring a server and adjacent licenses, as well as the need for contracting installation, maintenance and hosting services. Only the monthly electricity bill would have reached Euro 50 to supply and cool the necessary IT infrastructure – production and backup server.
Law firm
With our help CMP adopted Microsoft Office 365 for communication and collaboration. Currently, CMP Lawyers makes intensive use of this to manage emails, to share documents within the team, as well as in the relationships with their clients.
We also developed for them in SharePoint Online a complex library of documents and specific collaborative work flows to track the circulation of information, the modifications made and the versions of every document.
The time saved goes into business development, whether this means establishing and maintaining relationships with clients, or reviewing a specific case.