
How to create webinars in Microsoft Teams?

  • Bellow steps will explain how to create and share a webinar registration link with potential attendees.
  • People are able to join webinars on iOS and Android devices, as well as on their computer and mobile devices.
  • When attendees join your event, they will wait in the lobby until the organizer, or a presenter lets them into the webinar.

Start creating webinars

1. Select Calendar on the left side.

2. Select the arrow next to New Meeting button -> Choose Webinar.

3. You can choose the audience you want for the webinar by selecting Require registration.

  • is your webinar just for internal people (inside your organization) or for everyone?

4. The current window is dedicated to the presenters. 

Here, start filling with the title, date, time, presenters name and other details.

  • because the event starts at 2 PM we want the presenters to be 15 minutes before it begins, so we will select 1:45.

5. When you are done, select the Registration form -> attendances form will be displayed (see next step).

6. The current window/form is dedicated to attendances.

Here start adding an image for the event, and fill in the event details including the speaker’s bio. 

If necessary, you can also select Add field to expand your form.

When you are ready, copy the registration link from the top -> save and close.

  • you can share the registration link on a website,  via emails, social media, or some other way. so people can register for your event.
  • make sure to include the precise time when the webinar will start (this is the time the guests will attend).
  • all the info you write in the form will be visible on the invitation link by the attendees.

7.  Do not forget to send the invite to presenters.

  •  Any time you want to change the event details, select the webinar from the calendar (you can use both Outlook and Teams calendar for making changes).

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