Are you working with essential documents containing sensitive information? MS Word makes it easier for you to encrypt your file with a password.
This post will go through the steps you need to take to password-protect your Word documents.
Start encrypting your documents with a password
1. Inthe upper left, click the File Tab.
2. Press the Info button from the left menu.
3. Choose Protect Document option -> then make sure to choose the Encrypt with Password option.
4. The dialogue box Encrypt Document will be opened. Start encrypting your document by choosing a password phrase -> then click the Ok button to save it.
Be careful, if you lose or forget the chosen password, it will no longer be recovered.
5. Once you’ve set a password, Word will encrypt the file. Each time you open the word document a box called Password will be prompted to enter your password to access the document -> then press the OK button to enter the document.
How to remove a password from a document?
1. Inthe upper left, click the File Tab.
2. Press the Info button from the left menu.
3. Choose Protect Document option -> then make sure to choose the Encrypt with Password option.
4. Clear the password in the Encrypt document box -> then click the OK button.